
(OP) Buggy X Reader -- Treasure

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"You came back for me?" Buggy asks, jaw open as he stares at your bloodied body shielding him.
"Of course. You may be a royal pain, but you never gave me permission to leave, so that makes you my captain still." You rasp out, hands trembling as you hold the sword in place against your lower stomach. The swordsman before you is trying desperately to pull it back out and attack, but you refuse to let him. Growing frustrated, he lets go and raises his hand to punch you.
"No you don't!" Buggy growls from the ground, lifting a shaky hand to launch it at the man. It flies forward and slices his cheek open, then circles around and stabs the man in the stomach.
"Augh!" The man splutters as he falls to the ground.
You rip the sword out of your abdomen and thrust it into the man's back.
If he wasn't dead before, he is now. You spit on his body for good measure.
"What a freaking creep! Stabbing a woman in her stomach! I might be pregnant for all you know!" You shout as you kick his lifeless body in the side.
All around, dozens of bodies lay bloodied and bruised. You had showed up as the Buggy Pirates were attempting to retreat and slaughtered all the enemy pirates, throwing yourself in front of your weakened captain at the last moment. The attacking man had used Sea Prism stone and managed to hit Buggy with it, and he'd fallen to the ground. You watched with horror as the man then drew his sword and from halfway across the courtyard, your body had reacted.
You now turn, huffing and clutching your stomach with one hand, to offer a hand to Buggy.

~~~Buggy's POV~~~
He looks up at the woman before him in awe. A little snot runs from one of his nostrils, as he had been on the verge of tears and trembling in fear moments before. He thought he had finally met his flashy end, and how unflashy and inglorious an ending it would have been, lying on the ground like a coward, struck down by a stupid rock of all things, when she appeared. She made a flashy entrance and flashily took down all the men on the field, and risked her life to save his.
Here she stands before him, a halo of light behind her locks of (       )-colored hair, painted in speckles of dark dried blood, a streak of blood smeared across her left cheek, torn shirt, blood spilling over her right hand pressed against her stomach wound, and her left hand held open gingerly for his. Her features adorned by a small smile next to those cute freckles of hers, her voice fearless as she stood her ground. She was incredible. Buggy thinks back on what had occurred the night before and realizes what a fool he'd been. He suddenly understood what she had meant.

****The Previous Night****
Laughter filled the air around the campfire, the men making merriment and drinking and dancing.
He lounges back in his seat on the log against the rock cliff, raising his coconut cup and laughing boisterously along with them.
"To treasure!" Buggy calls triumphantly.
"To treasure!" All the men echo back.
All except one.
"What's wrong (          )? Didn't get enough treasure today to please you?" Buggy leans forward and smirks, resting an arm on one knee as he crosses his legs.
"No. That's not the issue," she answers sullenly, poking at a stray portion of the fire with her little stick.
"Hm? Then what? Didn't get to kill enough men? Bloodthirsty little beast aren't you?" Buggy chuckles.
"No," she growls now, gritting her teeth. "I'm not like you, I don't kill for fun. I don't enjoy it like you do."
"I don't understand you. What is it then? We have lots of gold and even some jewelry, we slaughtered an entire village, what could possibly have you looking so down? We're having a joyous celebration, join us!" Buggy cackles.
"You're an idiot." She huffs.
"Excuse me? Who are you calling 'big'?!" He shrieks.
"I didn't say that, get over that stupid complex already!" She spits back.
"Buggy, leave her be. Sometimes women just need their space." Alvida offers from the log across from him.
"Hmph. Women. Whatever then, sulk all you like." Buggy waves a hand dismissively, sticking his nose up into the air.
The woman snorts at him and stands up. She tosses the stick into the fire and walks off down the beach, disappearing into the shadows.
Buggy and Alvida watch, Alvida curiously and Buggy looking on irritably.
"What's her problem these days?" Buggy lowers his voice to a deeper tone.
"What do you mean?" Alvida asks innocently.
"She's been so distant lately. She keeps insisting that we're not alike and she hardly ever smiles." Buggy sighs, uncrossing his legs and placing his hands beside his thighs. He leans back and tilts his head up, looking sadly at the stars.
"Was she different before then?" Alvida sips from her coconut cup.
"She was different once. When she first joined our crew, she was happy and smiled all the time, she was cute and fun, one hell of a fighter, a hard-worker, and she always spent time with everyone, especially me. She was my right-hand girl, my go-getter and my trusted friend. She promised to do all she could to help me achieve my dream of ruling the seas and getting all the treasure out there. Her eyes would light up and she had almost a child-like joy in everything we did. It seems like lately though, she just won't look at me, she tells me we're different people, and she never smiles. She only halfway fights now. She sits back and lets us do all the fighting, only helping when it's convenient for her. I don't understand what's wrong with her. She's being so unflashy."
"Sounds like you know her pretty well. So what changed?" Alvida lifts a hand palm-up, genuinely intrigued. Her and (your name) had been relatively close gal-pals, but she didn't know you as well as Buggy it seemed.
"I'm not sure. I wish I knew."
"Have you asked her?"
"Everytime I try, she gets mad at me and walks off somewhere, like she did now."
"Have you ever thought about following her?"
Buggy's eyes widen and his lips stretch down, frown lengthening as he's caught off guard. His eyes flicker to Alvida and they share a silent moment.
"Well, now that you mention it, no. I guess I should?"
Alvida smiles and nods, making a shooing motion with her hand encouragingly.
"Yeah, that's just what I'll do! I'll flashily find out what's wrong with (           )!" He declares, standing and striking a determined pose, raising a fist in front of himself and grinning.

~~~Your POV~~~
The waves lap softly at the shore, the roar of the ocean farther out. You watch the water come crashing angrily in, growing smaller and smaller in size until the tiny rolls heave themselves weakly against the sand for a few moments, a mere trickle, before retreating to regroup and regain their strength. That was how you felt lately. Your anger always rises up really huge, and explodes at a point of impact, but then just dies down into little-to-nothing. Sighing, you run a hand through your hair, pinning it back as the breeze tries to force it forwards in a tangled mess. You were angry with Buggy, angry for the time lost, angry with yourself for thinking anything would change.
You hear footsteps and turn, anticipating either an enemy or a worried friend, like Cabaji. Neither is true, and instead you feel your heart leap as you find an unexpected visitor.
Buggy smiles at you, stopping and crossing his arms.
"Your captain has flashily come to see what's wrong and if there's anything he can do to help. Pretty nice of me, wouldn't you say? I'm such a considerate person!" Buggy laughs, amused and impressed with himself.
For a moment, you contemplate your irritation at this. Here he is claiming he wants to know what's wrong, but he doesn't actually care about making you feel better, he's only here to stroke his own ego. So like always, he doesn't actually give two craps about you. What a jerk. How had you put up with this for so long? How had you idolized this creep? How had you ever liked him, and eventually even...
"Hm? What's wrong? You don't want to talk about it?" Buggy asks, frowning.
"Well, that's alright. You have to do things your own way after all, right? You don't want to flashily display your emotions the way I would, and that's fine. I'll just stay here with you until you want to talk about it in a calm and unflashy way then, ok?" Buggy smiles at you, coming to stand beside you.
"That's not what I mean by we're different, Captain. I mean, I like how flashy you are. That isn't what's wrong at all..." You refuse to meet his eyes.
"Then what is?"
"We have different values, you and I."
"What do you mean? Wait, don't tell me! You don't want to be a pirate anymore?! You've gone soft? Don't want to lead a life of killing and pillaging?!" Buggy gasps in horror.
"No. That part's tolerable...I mean, I don't think we need to kill so many people, but you like to be super flashy and all..and you're my captain, so I let you. But you're really stupid. You've completely failed to see the treasure right in front of you even after all this time."
"The treasure right in front of me?"
You look over at Buggy. You've completely lost him.
He snorts and squeals "you don't mean there's treasure on this island do you? Why didn't you say so? Where do we start digging?"
This can't seriously be happening. He really is an idiot.
"No, there isn't treasure on this island. At least, not the kind of treasure you're talking about."
"I don't understand then. Treasure is gold and silver and jewels. If there isn't any of that on this island, then what am I not seeing?" He scratches his head, looking irritated.
"I said the treasure in front of you!" You snap.
His eyes widen and he stares at you for a long time.
After a few moments, he slowly raises a hand to his chin, like people do when they're thinking.
You can practically see the gears turning and the smoke pouring out of his ears. His eyes start swirling after three minutes and he begins rubbing his hands on the side of his head frantically, shouting "what do you mean?! Treasure is gold and silver, and I don't see any in front of me! Is it a riddle? I don't GET IT! What are you hiding from me (         )?!"
"That's it! I can't take this anymore! You're so stupid Buggy! There's more to treasure than just money! That's why you and I are different! You can't think that ANYTHING else might be of value to someone! Did you ever ONCE think I was valuable?! I'll bet you didn't! That's it, I'm done. I'm leaving the crew." You turn and run off, just in time as the tears begin streaming down your face. You had loved Buggy for the longest time, but he never once saw you as anything more than a loyal member of the crew. You were useful to him for gathering gold, eliminating those who might be in possession of what he wanted, you kept the ship clean and made good food. You were never anything precious to him. And it tore you apart. You had spent so long trying to teach him of other treasures.

"The stars are so lovely tonight! Look Buggy! Aren't they beautiful, the way they glisten and shine, through all that darkness, they shine on brightly and silently, just to light the way for us."
"Hahaha, what morons those stars are! If they're going to shine, they should do it brilliantly and flashily! They're wasting their talent by being so small and quiet! I would never be that dumb!"

"Wow, Buggy, look at the dolphins! Aren't they so graceful? Oh, that one did a backflip! Just look at how the dolphins' skin shines and the water sparkles in the air around them!"
"I could do that too. What a bunch of flashy fools! I love it! You go, Dolphins! Keep being flashy! Whooooo! Do you think I should ask them to join my flashy crew? I bet they could find treasure at the ocean floor."

"Oh Buggy, feel that sea breeze? It's so nice. Can you feel that slight mist? It's so refreshing. The sun feels so nice today. Won't you come sit with me and enjoy it?"
"What are you doing being lazy over there in the sun (        )? Come on over here and party it up flashily!"

"Buggy, look at the way those people's eyes sparkle. Wouldn't it be nice to have a family that brings you joy like that someday?"
"They're too happy, maybe we should wreak some havoc on this village. Oh, I bet that woman's necklace would fetch a nice price."

"What's wrong (         )? You're not being as upbeat as usual. You haven't said a word the whole voyage here and the whole time we've been in town."
"Hm." *shrug*
"I know what's wrong! It's because we haven't found treasure in so long, isn't it? This time we'll find treasure here, for sure! I have a good feeling about it!"

~~~Buggy's POV~~~
He could only stand and watch as his favorite crew member left him. He had no clue why she was angry, why she was suddenly leaving the crew, what she had meant by the treasure right in front of him, and most of all, he didn't know why she had been crying when she left. What bothered him more, was that he didn't know why it hurt him to see her cry.

He trudges back to the crew and plops himself heavily down onto the log.
"Hm? What happened? Where's (         )?" Alvida inquires, inspecting Buggy's limp form. He hangs his head and has his elbows on both legs, hands dangling down in the space between them. Shadows cover his face and she can't tell what's he's thinking.
"She ran off. Said she was leaving the crew."
"What? Why? What did you say to her?" Alvida straightens up in surprise.
"Don't know. She told me I was stupid and that we have different opinions of what treasure is. I guess that's why. Well if she disagrees with my views, she shouldn't be in my crew anyway."
Alvida evaluates Buggy's mood for a moment. Usually she wasn't terribly interested in him or his feelings, but he was more down than she'd ever seen him and it really threw her. He was always so upbeat and full of fight, and full of himself. His entire ego was deflated now. Must have been a pretty bad falling out.
"Cheer up Buggy, it's a party! Be lively and...more flashy!" She raises her cup hopefully.
".......sure." Buggy mumbles, making no attempt to move.
The atmosphere of mirth and festivities remains unmarred, unnoticed by anyone but Buggy and Alvida that a member of the crew was missing for good. The orange-yellow light shines brilliantly and cheerfully on all those around, except one man full of sorrow, cast in shadow in the background. The noise of laughter and music doesn't reach his ears, nor does it reach one other's ears, so far away now.

*****Back to the present******

"Why did you come back (         )? I thought you said you hate me." Buggy accepts your hand and stands shakily, reaching to rip a piece of his shirt off and attempt to bandage your wound.
"I'm mad at you, and I don't want to waste any more time chasing a pointless goal by being on your crew, but I couldn't just let you die. I was stuck on this island after last night, since you're the one with the ship, and made my way into town. When I heard another crew of pirates had docked here, I went looking for them. When the fight broke out though and I saw you on the brink of defeat, I had to step in and help. You were my captain for a long time after all. I still have some respect for you Buggy."
Buggy bites his lip as he hears the grimace in your voice while he applies pressure to the bleeding.
"We need to get you to a doctor..." He mumbles.
"I'll be fine. I'm leaving." You turn to go, but he grabs your hand.
"Wait! (          ), I.....I have to ask..." He gulps. "Do you feel anything else for me besides respect?"
Your heart sinks painfully in your chest.
"I did, at one time. But that was the past. Now let me go, I have to treat my wound if you don't mind." You try to shake his hand off, but his grip tightens on your wrist. "Ow! Buggy let go! That hurts!"
His hand loosens immediately and you lift your throbbing wrist to examine it. No red marks thankfully, and no bruises...
"Sorry. I...I don't want to let you go (        ). The hardest thing for any pirate is to lose his treasure. I don't want to" Buggy chokes out.
You whirl around in shock. Looking him in the eyes, you see he is physically struggling to say these words to you. A sweat drop is rolling down his cheek and he's biting his lip. His hands are clenched into fists and he's staring at you resolutely.
"No. Don't say anything. Just let me say this. Please."
Buggy, the great and flashy pirate, asking for something?! How can you deny him? He would never put aside his pride like that unless it was important. You'd even seen him risk his life for the sake of his pride.
"(         ), I've been a fool. I never realized that maybe, just maybe there could be a treasure that wasn't gold or silver. That maybe, it was something else just as shiny and bright, just as valuable, just as hard to find, and just as rare and one-of-a-kind as gold and silver, and might not last as long, but could be just as important and bring me just as much joy. (         ), I love you. You're the treasure I failed to see all this time. I love having you by my side, the way your eyes light up when you talk, the way you can see so much beauty in everything, not just the shiny metallic things, the way your heart is so true and pure, the way you can tolerate our terrible pirate manners just to be by my side. The way you're willing to throw your own life away just for me. Everything about you is wonderful to me, and for the first time ever, I don't want the gold or silver if I can't have you there with me to enjoy it! I'll throw it all away if it'll make you stay. I found a treasure I don't want to lose to anyone. I love you. Please come back to the crew."
The tears start pouring down your face halfway through his speech. "Buggy...I...I don't know what to say."
"Say you'll stay with me." Buggy smiles.
"I....I w-" and you collapse.

~~~Buggy's POV~~~
"(            )? No! Please be alright!" Buggy rushes forward to gather up the still figure in his arms. "She's losing blood fast. That stab wound must have been deep. I have to get her to a doctor quickly!" He stands and looks around. He thinks he recalls where the hospital was, so he takes off in that direction, flying high above the rooftops with his feet running along below. "There!" He spots the hospital a couple blocks away and picks up speed, his feet in full sprint as he flies downwards. Landing and reattaching to his feet, he hurries inside. "I need a doctor! Please, she's bleeding and she fainted, help her!"
"Right away!" A nurse rushes forward with a gurney and two other nurses help place the woman on it. Buggy stands there helplessly as they rush her down the hall.
"Please....I finally found a treasure that matters to me...don't take it away from me." He whispers, eyes following her shrinking figure pleadingly.

~~~Your POV~~~
Faint beeping sounds, white walls. Your eyes crack open and you look to the side slowly.
"(            )?" Buggy's voice greets your ears.
You find his face, and sigh in relief. His eyes are full of tears and a huge smile spreads across his lips.
"I was so worried!" He leans forward and wraps you in a tight hug.
"(           )!" Cabaji cries.
"(           )! Thanks for saving us!" Mohji sobs.
"We love you so much! Don't ever leave us again!" Cries another crew member. Geez, how many people can fit in a hospital room? You feel a little weak, and only feel a small twinge of nagging pain around your stomach wound, but the medicine is in full effect. You can feel the stitches in your skin tug slightly as you try to push yourself into a sitting position.
"They gave you a blood transfusion and fixed up your insides. You'll have to eat soft foods for a few days but you should be ok." Alvida explains, arms crossed as she leans against the wall across the room.
"Ahem!" Buggy clears his throat, his face growing serious. "Would you all mind leaving for a bit? I need a few moments alone with (          )."
"Wha-sure." Cabaji answers, scratching his head.
"Why do you need to be alone Boss?" Mohji asks.
"Because I'm your captain and I said so!" Buggy screeches, turning to yell at his men.
"Wahhhhhh! Yes sir!" They all cry, a couple hugging each other in fear and the others saluting.
"Then get out!"
"Right away!" They all scramble frantically, crawling over each other towards the door.
Alvida gives a small laugh. "I'll leave you two alone then." She smiles, pushing off the wall and strutting to the door. She turns and smiles knowingly as she closes the door behind her.
"Ahem, well then." Buggy clears his throat, coughing into his fist. He places his hands on his knees, elbows sticking out to the sides, and closes his eyes.
"Now that you're feeling better, there was something I didn't get to do earlier." Buggy looks into your eyes nervously.
"Wha-" your words are cut off as his lips press against yours, hard at first but softer after a moment.
You sigh and tilt your head, pressing your lips back against his. You feel one of his arms snake its way around your waist gently, as he grows more insistent in his kiss. You part your lips, allowing him to explore your mouth as he wishes. Placing a hand on his chest, you deepen the kiss from your end. Buggy's hand haphazardly runs through your hair softly, gingerly cupping the back of your head.
After a few moments of passionate lip-wrestling, you pull back to gasp for air, only to slump forward into his chest weakly. Buggy wraps his arms around your shoulders and panics.
"Are you alright? (         ), what's wrong?!"
"I'm ok Buggy, I'm just a little light-headed...I lost a lot of blood after all..." You mutter, making yourself comfortable against his chest.
"Oh....I'm glad then. Get some rest, they said you'll be fine to leave the hospital by tomorrow." Buggy smiles, cradling you against his chest, stroking your hair with his other hand.
He helps you lay back against the pillows and tucks the sheet around you.
"I'll be right here when you wake up. A pirate needs to protect his treasure after all." He smiles kindly at you.
You've never seen Buggy look at anything so affectionately. He always looked at things greedily, especially gold. Nothing had ever held true value to him, only held a price tag. You drift off to sleep, feeling lighter and happier than ever before. Buggy had finally accepted you as something precious, and admitted his love for you.

*********2 years later************
Buggy smiles lovingly at the two people laying against his chest. He kisses the top of your head and blows on your hair, ruffling it.
"Buggy, that tickles!" You giggle.
"You know (           ), I found myself some more treasure. And it is the most beautiful treasure I could have asked for. Thanks for giving me the map to the best thing in the world."
You smile down at the child held tenderly in your arms. He has Buggy's hair and your eyes. You couldn't agree with Buggy more.
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2Fangirls1523's avatar

Quick question. Who’s nose does the kid have??? Also love this.